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October 31 and November 1, 2023: The Annual Bilateral Meeting 2023 in Washington DC, USA


CCUS specialist from the United States of America and Norway met in person and online at the premises of the United States Energy Association (USEA) in Washington DC, USA, October 31 and November 01.

A detailed summary of the meeting, prepared for USEA by Batelle Memorial Institute, can be found here.

Courtesy:Åse Slagtern

Kari-Lise Rørvik,. Gassnova, in the Overview session. Courtesy: Torleif Madsen

The agenda had six blocks:

1. Overview and the larger picture. The agenda with presentations can be found here.

2. Storage. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

Bob Smith, DOE, opening the Transport and Infrastructure Session. Courtesy: Kari-Lise Rørvik

3. Transport and infrastructure. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

4. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

5. Point Source Capture. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

6. Hydrogen. The agenda with presentations and session summary can be found here.

The session on transport and infrastructure and on hydrogen were on the agenda for the first time, whereas the session on CDR was significantly expanded from 2022, which was the first time it appeared in the programme.


The meeting was wrapped up by Mark Ackiewicz, DOE, and Åse Slagtern, RCN.

Both thanked USEA for the hospitality and the well organized meeting. They also expressed appreciation for many good and informative presentations as well as for contributions to lively and constructive discussions.  

The three new topics introduced this year – Tranport and Infrastucture, CDR and Hydrogen open for new collaborations in addition to those well established in capture and storage. Participants are encouraged to reach out to counterparts and set up bilateral discussions.

The leads will come back to dates for the next annual bilateral meeting in 2024.