DAY 2: Wednesday, November 1
08:00 Point Source Capture
Session chairs and discussion moderators: Åse Slagtern, Research Council of Norway, and Ron Munson, U.S. Department of Energy
08:00 Introduction and Program updates
08:30 Technology vendors – Technology scale-up and development pathways
North American companies
o Eric Meuleman, ION
o Claude Letourneau, Svante
Norwegian companies
o Jon C. Knudsen, Aker Carbon Capture
o Torleif Madsen, Compact Carbon Capture, Baker Hughes
9:20 Test centers’ roles in technology development, MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification for point source capture), and standardized methods across pilot testing and test centers
· Karl Anders Hoff, Tiller
· John Northington, National Carbon Capture Center
· Ismail Shah, TCM
· Kunlei Liu, University of Kentuck
· ACT Projects: SCOPE Karl Anders Hoff.
Discussion: Areas of cooperation in Point Source Capture. Facilitators: Åse Slagtern and Ron Munson
The discussion included:
· The need to accelerate implementation of CCS.
Increase focus on capture from industrial CO2 sources and dispatchable power in combination with renewables.
Facilitate cooperation and share knowledge, e.g. through publishing, without revealing IPR, share success stories and consider datasharing on capture.
Explore opportunities to align operating procedures and analytical methods across testing centers to facilitate apples-to-apples comparisons.
Look for knowledge and experience where it is. For example, there may be much to learn from UK and why projects have not reached FID.
Identify what communication is needed towards the general public and other stakeholders and elucidate the necessity of CCS.
Incorporate feedback from communities and other stakeholders in guiding future activities to promote commercial liftoff.
Showcase the successes while avoiding the fossil connection.
Be patient. The road from lab-scale to full scale commercial is long and expensive. Go stepwise