The agenda for the capture breakout session was:
- Status ongoing projects. Area leads John Litynski and Bjørn-Erik Haugan.
- Testing: NCCC – TCM – SINTEF. Bjørn-Erik Haugan
- RTI-SINTEF. Markus Lesemann
- ION – SINTEF. Buz Brown
- Air Products – NTNU. Åse Slagtern , See below under 3.2
- US-Norway co-operations in NCCS and CLIMIT R&D. Amy Brunsvold/Åse Slagtern
- Norwegian full scale project– capture part. Bjørn-Erik Haugan
- Potential new cooperative projects
- Brief summary of MoU side event in Oslo 8 March. Åse Slagtern
- CLIMIT and US DoE capture awards and activities since May 2016 and new possibilities. Lynn Brickett/Bjørn-Erik Haugan/Åse Slagtern
- Discussions and impacts of workshop on Small Scale and Modular Carbon Capture held at LLNL 18 – 20 January; and NETL’s CO2 Capture Technology Project Review Meeting 21-25 August in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Josh Stolaroff
- ACT – multinational collaboration. Norway is leading a consortium of nine european countries where the ambition is knowledge sharing and common calls. Next call will be published in 2018. USA is welcome to join. Åse Slagtern
Discussions, summary and way forward. John Litynski/Bjørn-Erik Haugan/Åse Slagtern