Bilateral meeting 09 May 2016, Bergen, Norway
Agendas (Plenary; Large scale testing and crosscutting; Storage, MVA and CO2-EOR)
Presentations Plenary
The Norwegian perspective. William Christensen, Director General, MPE
The US perspective. David Mohler, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Clean Coal and Carbon Management, Office of Fossil Energy, DOE
The E.U. ACT Call and Possibilities for Bilateral Cooperation, Aage Stangeland, Special Adviser, Research Council of Norway
Presentations Large scale testing and crosscutting
Introduction, achievements and summary of group work. John Litynski, DOE
Development of emerging capture technologies part I; Aslak Einbu, SINTEF/Markus Lesemann, RTI
Development of emerging capture technologies part II; Barath Baburao, GE
Development of post-combustion technology; Buz Brown, ION Eng./ Aslak Einbu, SINTEF
Industrial capture/modular capture; Roger Aines, LLNL
Experiences and possibilities; Mona Mølnvik, SINTEF
Membrane R&D activities on CCS at SINTEF, Rune Bredesen, SINTEF
Environmental issues related to solvent technology; Claus Nielsen, UiO/Laila Iren Helgesen, Gassnova
Technology ready for full scale and business opportunities; Oscar Graff, Aker Solutions
New business for CO2 membrane technology; Christer Haugland, Air Products
Presentations Storage, MVA and CO2-EOR
All-in-one-presentation: Achievements, presentations of current activities, group summary