Agenda 30th June: Capture
13.45 Introduction; Åse Slagtern; RCN, Dan Hancu; DOE
14.00 Discussion and updates on projects
ACT2 projects/ACT3 Projects; Aage Stangeland; RCN/ Dan Hancu; Panel discussion
14.30 Break
14.45 Other Capture and Industrial CCUS ; Jørild Svalestuen; Gassnova and Dan Hancu;DOE
Panel discussion
Norway (Hydro, 3C-Baker Hughes, Hydrogen Mem-Tech)
University of Texas, Gary Rochelle
Summary of session
Dan Hancu, DoE, opened the session on Capture by presenting the Carbon Capture Program at DOE. The Mission of the program is to develop cost-effective point source capture throughout the power generation and industrial sectors. Furthermore, the program also aims to ensure the U.S. will continue to have access to safe, reliable, and affordable low-carbon energy generation. The drivers and challenges include
· Reduction of CO2 capture CAPEX and OPEX under a wide range of feed conditions and high capture efficiencies.
· Demonstrate first-of-a-kind CO2 capture coupled to dedicated CO2 storage that will lead to commercially viable nth-of-a-kind opportunities for widescale deployment.
The goal is that the program will support the U.S goal to achieve carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 and zero-carbon economy by 2050. The program ranges from lab and bench scale to large pilots and FEED studies. Additive manufacturing, LCA, TEA and process modelling are also elements in the program.
Thereafter followed brief presentations of the ACT capture projects
LAUNCH (Gary Rochelle, University of Texas),
MemCCS (Solon Oikonompoulos)
Prisma (Rahul Anantharaman, SINTEF Energy)
Everlong (Ragnhild Skagestad, SINTEF)
The projects highlighted achievements with amine based capture (LAUNCH), CO2 capture at ships (MemCCSea and EverLoNG), and new knowledge on solvent based CO2 capture at molecular level (PRISMA).
A short Q&A session followed, chaired by Aage Stangeland, RCN, and Andrew Hlasko, US DOE. The discussion was a continuation of what had been discussed at earlier sessions, emphasizing on the need for the funding agencies to engage more with projects to solve issues related to Consortium Agreements. The discussion also confirmed that ACT was an important tool to establish top-class international RD&D projects.
Norsk Hydro is a Norwegian company producing aluminum with ambitions of becoming net zero by 2050. Pia Magnussen presented the company's strategy to achieve this. The main challenges are capture technology designed for:
• Low concentration off-gas (around 1% CO2)
• Off-gas pollutants challenge compatibility with capture systems
• Capture players mainly target other markets, either point source capture in industry and power ( >4% CO2) or ambient air capture (0,04% CO2).
Hydro is one of the owners of the US company Verdox, which are working on capture technologies with low concentration of CO2.
Hydrogen Mem-Tech, represented by Thomas Reinertsen, is a small Norwegian company that has developed a separation technology using very thin palladium silver membranes (3 microns), that are 100% hydrogen selective, and only hydrogen passes through the membranes. The membranes can run on natural gas and biogas and will also be tested on ammonia autumn 2022. The technology is small, light, high capacity, no moving parts, and easy to scale. Reinetsen stated that there are huge amount of seed funding in Norway, but difficult to find private funding for demonstration. The US market is of strong interest and the company is ready for further growth with new owners: Shell, Yara, Saudi Aramco, AP Ventures and SINTEF.
Within CO2 capture, Baker-Hughes has several concepts, presented here by Gianluca Di Federico. These include Chilled Ammonia Process (CAP), Mixed Salts Process (MSP), Compact Carbon Capture (Baker-Hughes has acquired the Norwegian company Compact Carbon Capture), as well as Industrial Climate Solutions (ICS) using the regenerative froth gas-liquid absorber. Baker-Hughes also delivers services regarding project development, sub-surface storage, post-injection care & closure and asset integrity.
Gary Rochelle presented the DOE project Safeguarding Amines from Oxidation by Enabling Technologies. In short, the project will use NGCC flue gas - The project is currently scheduled for 6 months, Q4 2022 - Q1 2023 and expected impact is improved understanding of how to avoid amine oxidation.
The session was rounded off with a Q&A session chaired by Jørild Svalestuen, Gassnova. The best way to reduce the time to the marked was discussed and key suggestions were:
· Ensuring there is a demand for the products
· Let the technology be truly international
· Establish programs for early piloting and demonstrations
· Accept risk in the early phase and make sure there are funding available to reduce the risk
· Ensure that government funding is available for maturing existing technologies and not only directed towards developing new technology
· Ensuring funding is available for basic research in addition to demonstration programs.