Sallie Greenberg from the University of Illinois and the Decatur project in the US is visited Norway 03 September 2015. In that connection a seminar was held at the Research Council of Norway, Oslo. One objective was to establish contacts between the Decatur project and Norwegian researchers and, hopefully, R&D collaborations.

The agenda for the day was:

10.00-10.15: Welcome. Aage Stangeland, RCN
10.15-10.45: Overview and update on the Decatur Project. Sallie                Greenberg
10.45-12.00: Norwegian presentations
* Sarah Gasda, UNI research
* Roma Berenblyum, IRIS
* Bettina. Goertz-Allmann, NORSAR
* Nina Simon, IFE
* Bahamn Bohloli, NGI
* SINTEF Petroleum
    o Grethe Tangen
    o Mario Barrio
    o Malin Torsæter
    o Pierre Cerasi
    o Michael Jordan
* Rohaldin Miri, University of Oslo
* Svein Eggen, Gassnova
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-1400 Discussions
* Philip Ringrose, Statoil: Sharing of results and data from an industrial point of view;
* Per Aagaard, University of Oslo: CCS education in Norway
14.00-14.30 Summary
Most of the presentations from the seminar can be found by clikcking on the names with underscore.